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Understanding Bankruptcy Cases and Outcomes

Hello, my name is Quianna Ridalgo. I enjoy talking to others about bankruptcy case outcomes. Court officials handle each type of debt, from credit cards to home loans, differently. Debtors must carefully prepare themselves for the court proceedings to cope with the outcome appropriately. The way creditors handle the discharged debt also interests me. Bankruptcy attorneys assist their clients with each step of the bankruptcy process from filing paperwork to meeting with creditors. Debtors and creditors both receive counsel that helps them move forward appropriately at every point in the case. The information I share on my site may help you learn about everyone's role in these complex cases. Feel free to come by anytime to learn more information about this interesting subject.

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Understanding Bankruptcy Cases and Outcomes

    When Is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy the Right Choice?

    Bankruptcy can be a scary word, but for many people, it can also be a necessary step towards financial stability. There are different types of bankruptcy, each with its own set of rules and requirements. One option that may be suitable for some individuals is Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In this blog, we will discuss when filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be the right choice for you. You Have a Steady Income 

    Legal Assistance For Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Did you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy but were denied due to not passing the means test because you make too much money? If the thought of having to continuously deal with creditors makes you feel frustrated and hopeless, hire a lawyer to discuss filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. A lawyer can find out if you qualify and help you get the filing process started if you decide that Chapter 13 bankruptcy is right for you.

    Facing Foreclosure: How Filing For Bankruptcy Could Help

    Most people are aware of the fact that a mortgage cannot be discharged as part of a bankruptcy case because this debt is secured by their home. Consequently, most people simply assume that filing for bankruptcy will not help their situation if they are facing a foreclosure. However, while you may not be able to eliminate your mortgage by filing for bankruptcy, the truth is that this debt relief option could still help you to get your home out of foreclosure.

    What Chapter 7 Filers Should Know About Their Home Loans

    If you are considering filing for some financial relief using a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will need to take into account how it can affect your home loan. Mortgages are a special type of bankruptcy debt, and what happens after you file depends on two major factors. Read on to find out how your payment status and exemptions can affect your home loan. You Don't Have to Lose Your Home With Bankruptcy

    Top Important Decisions That A Bankruptcy Law Attorney Can Help You Make

    When it comes to your finances, you might be used to making your own decisions. Now that you might have found yourself in a bad financial situation, however, you might feel as if you could really benefit from working with someone else and getting their advice. For example, now might be a good time for you to meet with a bankruptcy lawyer who can provide you with some advice about bankruptcy-related matters.

    Two Reasons Your Chapter 13 Petition May Be Rejected

    Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you catch up on past due payments, pay off some bills, and get back on track financially. While it's much easier to get approved for a chapter 13 bankruptcy than it is a chapter 7, here are two issues that could cause the court to reject your petition. You Don't Make Enough Money At the fundamental level, chapter 13 bankruptcy is a state-run debt consolidation program.

    Bankruptcy Filing Precautions

    Bankruptcy is a major undertaking, and care should be used as you approach your filing. The actions you take in the months preceding and directly following a chapter 7 filing can influence the outcome of your case in a dramatic fashion. Read on for some precautionary measures to take that can mean a smoother and more positive bankruptcy process. About the Idea of Fraud Most people who file for bankruptcy have no intention of committing a fraudulent act, but it happens nevertheless.

    What If I Forget To List A Creditor During Bankruptcy?

    When filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you are expected to list all of your creditors. These creditors will be the individuals whose debts will be discharged. However, if you forget to list a creditor during Chapter 7, your debt for the creditor will not be discharged, except under certain circumstances.  A bankruptcy trustee will be appointed to sell any of your non-exempt property. This will be to benefit the creditors who will receive a portion of the sales.